Using Less as a CSS pre-processor in your project? No problemo, Font Awesome has a Less version if you'd prefer to import our styling into your workflow.

# Grab the Files

You'll find everything you need in the fontawesome6 directory of the alpha zip. Below is the list of files made specifically for Less. You can add them all to your project or pick just the ones you need.

Files What They Do
fontawesome.less Main Font Awesome compile
brands.less Brand icon styles
duotone.less Duotone icon styles
solid.less Solid icon styles
regular.less Regular icon styles
light.less Light icon styles
thin.less Thin icon styles
duotone.less Duotone icon styles
_variables.less Where variables are defined that are used throughout styling
_mixins.less Utilities used throughout styling/icon definitions
_core.less Base icon reference class syntax and definition
_sizing.less icon sizing support styling
_fixed-width.less fixed-width icon support styling
_list.less icons in a list support styling
_bordered-pulled.less bordered + pulled icon support styling
_animated.less animated icon support styling
_rotated-flipped.less rotating icons support styling
_stacked.less stacking icons support styling
_icons.less All icon definitions
_screen-reader.less screen-reader specific and accessibility support styling

# Adding Font Awesome to Your Compile

Copy the less folder into your project. Then copy the entire webfonts folder into your project where your static files get served.

Open your project's less/variables.less and edit the @fa-font-path variable to point to where you placed the webfonts folder.

@fa-font-path: "../webfonts";

Import Font Awesome by adding @import "less/fontawesome.less" in your main Less file. Also, import one or more styles @import "less/solid.less" in your main Less file.

Compile your code and get to using those new icons in your project!

Pay Attention to Paths!

Make sure the font path and your webfonts directory are relative to where your compiled CSS will be located.

You can use .fa-icon; to get things set up as an icon. Use .fa-solid; to create an icon in the Solid style. Import other styles to use other prefixes. Use variables to include content values a little easier.

@import "./fontawesome/less/fontawesome";
@import "./fontawesome/less/solid";
@import "./fontawesome/less/brands";

.user {

  &:before {
    content: @fa-var-user;

.twitter {

  &:before {
    content: @fa-var-twitter;

# Mixins

Utilities What It Does
.fa-content() A mixin to make referencing icons via the CSS content property a bit more easy

An icon's variable must be passed in (e.g. fa-content(@fa-var-user);).
.fa-icon() A mixin that contains all of the base style set up for an icon (minus an icon's style and specific name/unicode) compile
.fa-size() A mixin that calculates font size and vertical alignment for the relative sizing scale
.fa-sr-only() A mixin that visually hides an element containing a text-equivalent for an icon while keeping it accessible to assisitive technologies
.fa-sr-only-focusable() A mixin that is used alongside .fa-sr-only() to show the element again when it’s focused (e.g. by a keyboard-only user)

# Variables

Font Awesome's SCSS version also leverages several SCSS variables that allow for easier set-up and customization of our styling toolkit.

Variable What It Does
@fa-css-prefix Sets the prefix (default set to fa) used on all styling toolkit CSS rules (e.g. fa-lg) + icon reference classes (e.g. fa-user)
@fa-style Sets the default icon style (using @font-face weight)
@fa-style-family Sets the default font-family used
@fa-display Sets the display property (default set to inline-block) for rendered icons
@fa-font-display Sets the font-display property for Font Awesome's icon fonts
@fa-fw-width Sets the width property for all fixed-width icons
@fa-inverse Sets the color property of .fa-inverse
@fa-border-color Sets the border-color property used in bordered icons
@fa-border-padding Sets the padding property used in bordered icons
@fa-border-radius Sets the border-radius property used in bordered icons
@fa-border-style Sets the border-style property used in bordered icons
@fa-border-width Sets the border-width property used in bordered icons
@fa-li-width Sets the width property for fa-li elements when styling icons in a list icons
@fa-li-margin Sets the margin-right property for fa-li elements when styling icons in a list icons
@fa-pull-margin Sets the margin-left/margin-right property for pulled icons icons
@fa-primary-opacity Sets the opacity of a duotone icon's primary layer
@fa-secondary-opacity Sets the opacity of a duotone icon's secondary layer
@fa-size-scale-base Sets the base step size that all other relative sizing steps are based on
@fa-size-scale-2xs Sets the size of step used when relatively sizing icons with .fa-2xs
@fa-size-scale-xs Sets the size of step used when relatively sizing icons with .fa-xs
@fa-size-scale-sm Sets the size of step used when relatively sizing icons with .fa-sm
@fa-size-scale-lg Sets the size of step used when relatively sizing icons with .fa-lg
@fa-size-scale-xl Sets the size of step used when relatively sizing icons with .fa-xl
@fa-size-scale-2xl Sets the size of step used when relatively sizing icons with .fa-2xl
@fa-stack-vertical-align Sets the vertical-align property of stacked icons
@fa-stack-width Sets the width property of stacked icons
@fa-stack-z-index Sets the z-index property of stacked icons
@fa-font-path Sets the location of Font Awesome's webfonts folder and assets.

Something on your mind? We're all ears!

New icons just what you wanted? New thin style all that? Docs missing something key? Drop us a line and tell us all the good, bad and the ugly so we can make it even more awesome.

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